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MoshTemp 3.0

A final release for 3.0

Some substantial changes from 1.0, and 2.0. Mainly in project directories and output objects. All objects for a project are now in a project object. Individal objects can always be written out.

Next up, a  FDM module. Just an exercise to do a quick comparision.  Then a study or two..

Downlad the zip. Run the script “Land1900Present”

It creates a directory for the project runs the analysis and writes out way too much data.

Categories: Uncategorized
  1. Jim_S
    August 23, 2010 at 12:47 AM

    Thanks for the work and the nicely packaged application! Like you, I’m a novice in R, but I’ll follow along as I can.

    I noticed a graphic title error in the second last line of Land1900Present.R


    where the title, I think, should be “Monthly”.

    Other than that, MoshTemp3.0 installed and ran just fine in my newly-installed R on my Windows box. I look forward to more.

    • Steven Mosher
      August 23, 2010 at 1:45 AM

      HA it ran!

      Cool. Graphics for me is always the last deal. I try to get the output complete so that graphics can be handled as a separate task, independent of the program. I really dont like the way most guys do there R where they put together the analysis and the graphics.

      Plus I HATE 2D graphics. ok rant over

  2. Jim_S
    August 23, 2010 at 2:47 AM

    Ayup, ran fine and clean first time. Graphs look like they should and the data in the .dat files seems sane. Took no more than 5 minutes from download to viewing the created graphs. Installing the packages was the only extra step. Nice job. I hate graphics, with no discrimination about their D, for D > 0, but R seems to make it less painful than most.

    • Steven Mosher
      August 23, 2010 at 5:06 AM

      Very cool.

      I’m playing with SST data now. I had an old version of raster and could not get the data in.
      The package maintainer was on the mail list today, and I got all the SST data in in one line.
      of course there are some warts with how they handle NA, but I should be able to make short order
      of the Sea. merging with the land will be a trick, but doable.

      Glad it worked for you. Now I can just load up scripts and folders

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